Boxed Warnings for Montelukast labels: MHRA Drug Safety Update

Montelukast: Reminder of the risk of neuropsychiatric reactions and measures for its safe and effective use. Montelukast is a leukotriene receptor antagonist that reduces inflammation and prevents asthma attacks. It is used to prevent wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and coughing caused by asthma in adults and children 12 months of age and older. Montelukast is also

Terlipressin safe and effective use recommendations to reduce risks of respiratory failure and septic shock in patients with type 1 hepatorenal syndrome

MHRA released a drug safety update to disseminate recommendations for safe and effective use of terlipressin. Terlipressin is a synthetic pituitary hormone, an analog of the vasoconstrictor vasopressin which acts by reducing portal venous pressure in the liver, in patients with portal hypertension, and also contributes to improved blood circulation in the kidney helping to

Drug Withdrawal Story for Pholcodine containing cough and cold medications

Pholcodine is an opioid medicine widely present in many over-the-counter cough syrups, for its antitussive activity. Pholcodine is in market since 1950s and the products containing pholcodine are approved for the following conditions: Treatment of dry cough (non-productive) in adults and children older than 6 years of age. Treatment of symptoms of cold and influenza

Risk of severe hypocalcaemia with denosumab (Prolia): USFDA Drug safety communication

USFDA released a recent safety update for the denosumab Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody which helps in preventing breaking down of bone cells (osteoclasts) from bone by inhibiting the receptors named – RANK (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa beta) in the body. This medicine is intended for the treatment of following medical conditions: Osteoporosis

Potential increased risk of death and serious adverse effects with cancer medicine Copiktra (duvelisib): USFDA Drug safety communication

USFDA released a recent safety update for the duvelisib, which is used in the treatment of blood cancer – chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). It is a PI3 kinase inhibitor, which controls the multiplication and growth of cancer cells by blocking the signaling action of abnormal protein. After the product approval

Decreased vitamin B12 levels with metformin use: MHRA Drug Safety Update

MHRA released a safety update for Metformin product related to the new adverse drug reaction- Vitamin B12 Deficiency. Based on the recent review of safety data from brand leader Glucophage (metformin) from the Europe, it was identified that vitamin B12 deficiency is a common adverse drug reaction which may affect up to 1 in 10

Withdrawal of FDA approval for cancer medicine-Umbralisib due to unfavorable benefit-risk profile: USFDA Drug safety communication

In continuation to the recent drug safety communication for umbralisib in Feb-2022, USFDA further released a drug safety communication pertaining to the withdrawal of approval for umbralisib. Ukoniq (umbralisib) is a cancer medicine used in the treatment of below two specific types of lymphomas. It is a PI3 kinase inhibitor, which controls the multiplication and

Measures for minimizing the risk of serious liver injury with Cladribine: MHRA Drug Safety Update

To enable safe and effective usage of Cladribine, MHRA released a drug safety update to healthcare professionals and patient/patient care providers to consider the below risk minimizing measures for the serious risk of liver injury. Cladribine is a synthetic purine nucleoside with immunosuppressive effects used in the treatment of highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis. Review

Umbralisib and potential increased risk of death [under USFDA investigation]: Need for consistent evaluation of benefits & risks

USFDA released a drug safety communication for the updated significant safety information of the cancer medicine – umbralisib to disseminate awareness for optimal, safe & effective usage of this product in patients suffering from cancer of the lymph nodes and respective healthcare professionals involved in treating this patients. Ukoniq (umbralisib) is a cancer medicine used

Additional Risk Minimization measures [updated recommendations] for Safe & Effective usage of Venetoclax (Venclyxto▼)

Venetoclax is anti-cancer medication used in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This medicine is under additional monitoring with special focus on its safety profile consistency from post-marketing exposure. Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is phenomena of release of cellular contents from tumor cells into the blood stream such as uric acid, potassium leading to the

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